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Canadian secures three titles at first Junior European Cup in Montenegro

Canadian secures three titles at first Junior European Cup in Montenegro

10 Mar 2024 18:30
by JudoCanada and JudoInside
Canada Judo

Canada topped the podium at the first European Cup for Juniors in Podgorica, Montenegro. Lasha Tsatsalashvili, a promising Canadian judoka from Ontario, achieved a significant milestone in his career by clinching the gold medal in the U73 kg category at the Junior European Cup in Montenegro. Tsatsalashvili's victory marked his first gold at a Junior European Cup, following a string of second-place finishes in previous competitions.

Tsatsalashvili, buoyed by his recent bronze medal performance in Sarajevo, entered the Montenegro tournament with a determined mindset. After several silver and bronze medals in the past year, he was eager to claim the top spot. His perseverance paid off as he emerged victorious in a challenging final match against Federico Bosis of Italy, securing the gold with a solid ippon in overtime.

Reflecting on his achievement, Tsatsalashvili credited his thorough preparation and unwavering motivation for his success. He expressed his satisfaction at finally clinching the gold after numerous runner-up finishes and emphasized his confidence and focus throughout the competition. Tsatsalashvili highlighted his strong performance in earlier matches against opponents from Serbia, Great Britain, and Cyprus, which set the stage for his ultimate triumph.

Canadian Contingent's Strong Showing

Tsatsalashvili's gold medal performance contributed to Canada's overall success at the Junior European Cup, where the nation secured a total of four medals, including two golds. Marie-Lune Turmel secured the gold in the -48 kg category, displaying exceptional skill and determination. Heidi Quach and Evelyn Beaton also showcased their talent, with Quach earning a bronze medal and Beaton narrowly missing out on gold in a closely contested final.

John Jr Messé A Bessong's Triumph

On the men's side, John Jr Messé A Bessong emerged as a champion in the +100 kg category, adding to Canada's medal haul. Bessong's determination and focus propelled him to victory, overcoming formidable opponents on his path to the gold medal. His success underscores Canada's growing presence and competitiveness in international judo competitions.

Canadian coach Sasha Mehmedovic expressed pride in the athletes' performances and highlighted their adherence to game plans and strategic execution. Despite some challenges and close calls, Mehmedovic remains optimistic about the promising futures of the Canadian judoka, emphasizing their potential for continued success on the international stage.

Overall, Canada's strong showing at the Junior European Cup reflects the dedication, talent, and determination of its judo athletes, setting the stage for future achievements and accolades on the global judo circuit.

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